Add two variables/numericValues?

CL doesn’t do calculations without using numericValue or simpleFunction, so 2 methods to your calculations. It’ll be easier to set variables ‘a’ and ‘b’ instead of variables in the graph to calculate in CL, or you can calculate ‘c’ in the graph more easily.

Method 1 (CL doesn’t use double = for comparisons either):
a= table2.cellNumericValue(1,1)
b= table2.cellNumericValue(1,2)
c=when numericValue("${a}+${b}")=sum and numericValue("${a}*${b}")=product 1 otherwise 0

Method 2 (still define variables a and b as above):
c=when sumF.evaluateAt(a,b)=sum and productF.evaluateAt(a,b)=product 1 otherwise 0

Method 3 (define numbers a and b as you initially did) in the graph itself:
c={a+b=7 {a*b=12}:1,0}

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