CL Newsletter, June 2021 - Secrets of the CL Team

This month, we’ve picked out a few small tips that can make a big difference. Got some tips of your own? Send them our way and we’ll share them out in the next newsletter.

1. Use images.

It’s ironic that our first tip involves no CL. Many of the interactions we build use lines, points, and parametric equations. By using images instead, we have more time to get other things right, including the next four tips.

Subtip #1: Use a colored square for rectangles and adjust the position, angle, and dimensions.

Subtip #2: Place the image in a folder and check “Hide this folder from students” to prevent them from clicking on the image.

Subtip #3: Uncheck “Place behind graphs” to have the image appear in front of a grid.

A gif showing an image of a blue square being imported into to a blank graph. Its width, height, center point, and angle are set to variables and adjusted using sliders.

Check out an example

2. Use variables.

It’s ironic that our first tip involves no CL. Many of the interactions we build use lines, points, and parametric equations. By using images instead, we have more time to get other things right, including the next four tips.

Subtip #1: Use a colored square for rectangles and adjust the position, angle, and dimensions.

Subtip #2: Place the image in a folder and check “Hide this folder from students” to prevent them from clicking on the image.

Subtip #3: Uncheck “Place behind graphs” to have the image appear in front of a grid.

A screenshot of a Computation Layer script window showing several variables. Some examples of these are

Check out an example

3. Use multiple cursors and selections.

Did you know that holding down command/ctrl while clicking allows you to have your cursor in multiple locations in your CL script?

Did you also know that holding down option/alt allows you to vertically select lines, saving you oodles of time?

Subtip #1: Have your code aligned nicely, especially for CL in tables.

Subtip #2: Are you command/ctrl-clicking in many places? Could you instead use a variable?

Subtip #3: If you select 10 lines to copy, you need to select 10 locations to paste to.

A gif of a Computation Layer script window showing 10 lines being selected at once then the text

4. Use error messages.

Error messages can communicate to students the type of input you’re hoping they’ll enter. What’s even better is that when there’s an error message, it blocks the response and protects your interaction.

Subtip #1: Use a variable for the error condition.

Subtip #2: Set up the warning sink to mirror the error message in the teacher dashboard.

Subtip #3: Set a valid condition and the error to not(valid).

Check out an example

5. Use simpleFunction.

simpleFunction is numericValue, except better. It allows you to perform a calculation without having to type out the LaTex over and over again.

Subtip #1: Write out your function in the graphing calculator and paste it into your CL.

Subtip #2: Give your function a meaningful name to use it several times across your activities.

Subtip #3: Try out different functions, such as floor, round, and mod.

A gif of a Computation Layer script window showing several lines of cellContent sinks in a table component. The variable

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