CL now understands latex type!

I would recommend just copying and pasting from Desmos for most LaTeX needs. My 2nd stop would be to use (which will generate images but can also be used to identify the right code). A more desperate approach to find a weird symbol would be to go to where you can draw in a symbol that you don’t know the name of and it will try to guess what you are after.


Please see this: It will help you to get started in CL
Desmos CL Tutorial in an easy way

There is a LaTeX wikibook that I often use when I want to know how to do something:

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This is huge @denis. Gonna make my CL looks a lot cleaner.

Thanks to everyone for their suggestions and help.

Much appreciated!

where did you find to look?

I agree with you! Even if the calculator doesn’t evaluate, we still use in other areas like notes!

I’ll add that you can use the equatIO chrome app on a google image search page (or when viewing anything math online). It’s super easy to take a screenshot and turn it into latex that you can then copy/paste!
If you have MathType, you can use the “Toggle Tex” command in Word.

One thing to watch for: different platforms use different symbols for the start and stop of the latex. You’ll drop those when you copy and paste.

'For a comprehensive corse on LaTeX, look to

You can use this same copy and paste trick using text from Desmos graphing component or stand alone grapher.

Latex for boldface?



Yes please! Support for this in actual CL would be useful


While experimenting I found that underline for text (\underline{text}) in a note defined through ‘content:’ produces an underline effect. Unfortunately, the text is italicized as well, making it look too emphatic!


I use for most things if I don’t know the code… v annoying that the latex is not incorporated more consistently


Thank you! I was looking all over for the “angle” symbol.

Is it possible to use latex within the computational layer. Suppose I wanted to put a^x or log to base b of x into content but with nice formatting.

Thanks Travis. That will be helpful in the future. Unfortunately I didn’t see basic operation symbols like the division sign there, so maybe the best solution is to just copy it from the symbols in Word.

Just type in a^{x}and that should work for you.

I made this for y’all

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It’s in there, you just have to scroll up a little, here it is as well: ÷