Geometry - naming parts

Is there a way to get the overline or over arrows for segment, line, and ray names in a textbox or notes box?

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Um. This post was forever ago, but no one ever answered? Were you able to figure it out? I like to randomly read through old posts when I am bored. These are what you were looking for?


They will look like this:


Yeah, I ended up figuring it out. I was trying to type the latex directly in the math type box. It didn’t occur to me that I had need to type the latex first, then highlight it, and click math type.

Thanks for the help though :slight_smile:

I didn’t really follow that because I don’t do it that way, so I don’t know what you mean by clicking math type? I used `` marks and $$ symbols around the latex. I wonder if someone on here might explain what’s actually going on. I have been learning everything by copying code.


$$ symbols

Hm. I expected the $$ around pi to it into the pi symbol because it was how I turned
\overrightarrow{AB} into \overrightarrow{AB}.

Is this just how people italicize and bold? Is there a list?

I was typing in the notes boxes, and pressing `` to start writing equations.
When I do this, I can type notation like x^2 and sqrt, and it will automatically convert it. But typing latex symbols like \overarc{AB} do not convert automatically. I have to type the latex, and then highlight it, and click on a radical button under the box. Clicking this button serves the same purpose as typing `, but only clicking the radical button after typing the latex works.

For symbols like pi, you have to type \ first: \pi

Just a note for others, when typing latex into the Math Type box, it’s turning this:

Into this:
\backslash overarc\left{AB\right}