is there a way i could turn the output “0.05026019+1.99936838i” into just a point like (0.05026019, 1.99936838)? I’ve been trying many ways but I can’t seem to get it to work, and I want to use this point in a polygraph but I can’t since it’s displayed as “0.05026019+1.99936838i” which won’t work
If I understand what you are asking, you should be able to use real(2i^q) and imag(2i^q) as seperate expressions in the calculator to isolate the real and imaginary parts. You could define each of those quantities as variables and create an ordered pair from them.
Is this what you are asking about?
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What Scott said … plus if you plan to use this frequently you can define a function
t_{toPoint}(c) that takes a complex number and converts it to a point:
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thank you!! this helped alot