You can use set conditions to show content:
in a note. For multiple choice or checkboxes, you need to determine the desired answer(s). Then, use that as a condition for your content in the note (and/or coverText
on the next slide. See the thread at the bottom).
Multiple choice is easy. Here the third answer is correct:
correct = this.isSelected(3)
Checkboxes take some care. Say the 2nd and 3rd answers are correct, but answers 1 and 4 should not be checked:
correct = this.isSelected(2) and this.isSelected(3) and not(this.isSelected(1) or this.isSelected(4) )
Make an action button and name it.
Then, in your note:
content: when yourButtonName.timeSincePress() > 0
(when yourCheckboxName.script.correct "Great Job!" otherwise "Try again.")
otherwise "Put your instructions here"
I’m using a nested when-otherwise. When the button is pressed it follows the when-otherwise in parentheses, otherwise it shows your directions.
Using coverText