(Dan Burfeind)
April 16, 2020, 10:23pm
I am trying to set up a script which has a trig function as its solution. I have the correct notation for displaying the question, but I cannot get the latex input to match my desired solution. I have tried pretty much every variation of inputs and am not sure how to get sin theta as the correct input.
solution = “\sin\\theta
when e1.timeSinceSubmit>0
when e1.latex = solution “Correct!”
otherwise “Please try again!”
otherwise "Simplify \sin^{3}\\theta \ +\ \sin\\theta \cos^{2}\\theta
Type it into a graph, then copy-paste into your CL. Finally, turn single backslashes to double backslashes.
Although matching latex is tricky, check out this thread…
I’m getting confused on what the CL views as the latex for an expression entered as |x-1|=3. Can I use that as a string to determine if that is what they’ve entered or is the CL looking for “\left|x-1\right|=3” or something else entirely?
What I’m trying to use this for is with marking something correct in the dashboard. I saw some other questions related to this but what I’m really looking for to be cleared up is what string exactly does .latex return from a student input to background CL oper…