URL link to Action Button?

How can I get the Action button to link to a url?
(I’m wanting to make the button a “get help” button, then clicking it would be a quick video on me explaining the problem.

This would be greatly helpful during this time of distance learning…

I believe you can only have a link if it’s a full URL in a note. You can’t actually hyperlink text.

What about in the CL note, behind an action button?

Here’s a link to one I came up with.
But I’d like it to go straight to the link, not the reveal I came up with (which is 2 steps)

Yep, that’s the only real workaround if you don’t want it shown right away. Longer links, consider using a URL shortener. You can also use a URL in a similar way to giving conditional feedback.

Why not just upload your video to your activity and hide it unless they push the button. No need to link out. If you need help. Please respond.

Thanks @mrkleing- Since my initial post for this, Desmos now offers adding a link in a note (which wasn’t previously offered.)
For this initial post, I wanted kids to access a link outside of the lesson.

As for a video hidden, I just used that this past week in a lesson!
It’s my attempt at a “help button” when stuck. I plan to play with this idea more. (This also has CL for feedback on answer input, and limited to five tries.) Check it out:

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I know this is an old post, but I am still unsure how to create the “Hidden Help Action Button.” I have copied and pasted the above slide into one of my activities, but I can’t find the CL that provides the URL. Could you be more specific? I’m still learning CL.