Can't subtract for some reason

Here is my project: Infinite Practice Claim 1 Target B • Activity Builder by Desmos Classroom
I’m trying to provide infinite practice to students for various topics. Slide 4 is not working for some reason and I don’t see why that is. Can someone help me figure this out? Thanks in advance.

It creates and displays a random exponent problems for students to divide (any help formatting the equation would be nice also, but not necessary). When the correct answer is entered, the verification subtracts the exponents to see if the correct value for the misssing variable is entered. It says it is incorrect no matter what value is entered.

Also for slides 2 and 4, how can I erase the previously entered answer when a new equation has been displayed.

Try this and let me know if it addresses each of your questions. (Note that the incorrect check on slide 4 was just a naming issue - you had the feedback note using mr2.script.check instead of mr3.script.check to determine what type of feedback to show.)


Thanks, you solved both my problems. Sometimes it just takes a second pair of eyes.

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