I am trying to check for correctness in the dashboard for screens 1 and 4 of my activity here: https://teacher.desmos.com/activitybuilder/custom/63e69e8b8fb3729c8a706c6b. Screen 1 has a box and whisker graph and screen 1 has a bar graph with movable points. What is the best way of going about doing this? Thanks.
You can just check that the y values are equal to the desired answers using a conditional, like
C = {A = 5:1,0}
I’ve made the changes here: [Copy of] [Copy of] Data and Graphs • Activity Builder by Desmos
I’ve also made some activities with boxplots, histograms, and dotplots if you are interested:
boxplots on dotplots
more with boxplots
Histograms and dotplots
finding the mean in a dot plot
making sense of the MAD
Wow! Thanks so much, Daniel! This is really appreciated.