Checking Ratio in Table

I’ve got a table that looks like this

Blue Paint Yellow Paint
2 10
1 ___

In the bottom row, I want them to come up with their own ratio that works. I know how to check for the 5 under yellow paint, but not sure how to check that the ratio is correct when they are coming up with both of their own numbers.


You can use numericValue to find the ratio of the values entered, and check that it equals the desired value. Here’s an example: ratio table example • Activity Builder by Desmos

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A proportion table is only a table IN GRAPH where it is utilized to depict the connection between two separate amounts of table. Proportion tables are useful for envisioning the connection between two separate amounts.

A proportion table is only a table IN GRAPH where it is utilized to depict the connection between two separate amounts of table. Proportion tables are useful for envisioning the connection between two separate amounts.

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