Created lessons no longer work (Error 500)

I have a couple lessons that will not load and show mostly blank slides. Even the dashboards of these lessons from previous years omit almost everything (notes, graphs, open response) from the lessons. The error I get when I try to go into the dashboard is …


Uh-oh! Cannot read properties of undefined (reading ‘name’).

Below is one of the lessons that is not working properly.

Any suggestions?

By messing around I was able to copy the first slide and make it work …

you have to copy the content of each component of every slide …

Ok, I messed aroung a bit more and I was able to recover most of it …:

the problem is one of the slides at the beginning …

this way you have slide 1
and all the slides from 6 up to 31

ok, I recovered everything but be sure to check the first 6 slides because I had to recreate them and I’m not sure there aren’t any mistakes …

Will do.

You saved me for tomorrow’s lesson!

Thanks again

I get what you are doing to find the content. Somehow I’ve broken Desmos.

Thank you again!

This is fantastic! Thank you!

I am unable to edit or see anything on the original version. How are you getting into the slides to edit them? When I try to edit the activity I get the Error 500 message.

Thank you again!

you mean you get the error even in this new copy?
Click copy and edit on this new version … it doesn’t give me any problems now.