Embedded calculators not working

We use embedded Desmos calculators. Today they stopped working; they just appear to be stuck in loading mode with the word desmos. See this page for example: Embed a Desmos Calculator - Megan Thompson | Library | Formative

:wave: Hi Bevin! Welcome to the Desmos Computation Layer support forum.

Embedded graphs appear to be a feature that still currently works in Formative, which is the platform you linked to in your post.

The article mentions some code for embedding a blank graph, but if you’d like to link an existing graph, you can generate the code you need by pressing the share icon in the top-right corner (the first icon after your name, if you’re signed in), and then pressing the “Embed” option.

Hi, thank you. The issue was actually fixed by Desmos support after I reported it. It’s not related to embedded graphs, but rather the fourfunction and scientific calculators. Embedding them on sites like Formative was not working that day.

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