I’m using an activity from Jennifer Vadnais and making modifications. The vertical line is set to move across the graph when you click the button. I would like it to do 1 of 2 things below.
Stop the vertical line from moving by clicking the button again.
Stop at the point I direct it to stop (when it crosses 2 points at once).
There are soooo many ways to do this, I hate to limit it with an example, but here’s one way:
From your post I assume you mean that you want a line to move across the screen until either a student presses stop or it reaches a certain point. If you add a max value in when you create the line you should get that behavior. Graphing Calculator
Side note: I would LOVE to see all of the different ways that contributors to this forum handle this interaction!
When I take your activity and add the table from Kay’s it works fine.
BUT, when I take Kay’s activity and add your pieces, it doesn’t work.
I’m confused. I even tried deleting and adding it all back in.
I thought maybe it was because the table was in spot 1 instead of bottom. I’m completely stumped!
Jay, you give me way to much credit because I can’t take what you did, put it into my activity, and make it work. Your knowledge is far superior than mine on coding. I’m lost! lol Is there a way you can take my file and do what you did on my slide 2, where I have the circle? Below is the link. Thanks for your help!
I changed slide 2 for you. I didn’t look at what Jay did. I added CL into the btn1 and what is now graph1. The line still jumps back to the start because the time resets to zero.
Thanks! I actually thought the capture sink was the most useful part, so that components don’t continue to change. I’ve found it useful for feedback as well.