Capturing History of Latex

Is it possible to capture the history of latex entered into a mathinput and display in a note or graph or table? Not just numbers entered, expressions so on.



No, I don’t think so. Desmos lists can only hold numbers and points, not latex, and history uses a list.
Depending on what you want to do, you may be able to have CL that “translates” your stored numbers into latex.

Maybe you know of another way of accomplishing the following.
I have the mathinput self grade. Students can enter possible answers multiple times. I would like to keep track of their incorrect answers inputed.


What sort of text are they entering? If it is a limited set of options it can work. But if they can type anything then it will not really be possible.

They will enter anything from a number, to a function, even just a word. I thought about using a table input instead, and make each row uneditable once they check for correctness.

Yeah, I think you need a workaround like that in that case. Being able to have lists of latex strings would be amazing and would open up so many possibilities.

It might be possible to use the sort of trick that Godel used in his Incompleteness Theorem to turn latex strings into numbers, store the numbers, and then convert them back into strings. The numbers would be very large. For that to work, you’d have to define a list of possible characters, such as:

Symbol 1 is “-”
Symbol 2 is “(”
Symbol 3 is “)”

You would also have to be able to parse a latex string character by character, e.g., so you could identify the exact symbol that is the 3rd character in the string. For example, if the 3rd character in the string was a “-” sign, then you’d include a factor of 5^1 in your number, because the “-” sign is Symbol #1 on your list, and 5 is the 3rd prime number (2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, …). Similarly, if the 3rd character in the string was “(”, then you’d include a factor of 5^2 in your number, since the “(” character is Symbol #2 on your list.

Ultimately, you multiply all such factors to create your number that represents the string, with a factor of this number representing each character space in the string.

I don’t think CL can parse strings character-by-character, but I’ve always wanted to see if this would work.

Thanks for the suggestion