I’m having trouble getting cellSuffix to work on slide 38. I found the problem but do not understand why calling upon a variable within a graph is not allowing cellSuffix to work?? Here is the activity. [IM3 Performance Task w/ Correctness] Graphing in Transformational Form • Activity Builder by Desmos Here is a pdf of my findings so far. PDF
Thank you for your help!!!
It looks like you haven’t published with the code in the PDF, so difficult to troubleshoot. Maybe publish and repost?
Here is the activity. Are you able to open it? [IM3 Performance Task w/ Correctness] Graphing in Transformational Form • Activity Builder by Desmos
Here is the pdf! Desmos CellSuffix Question|386x500
Did you find the problem? It seems to work for me.
The problem is not solved. cellSuffix will not work because on slides 4 - 9, I have a conditional statement based on whether the variable “c” = 1. Just not sure what is happening.
I copied it and previewed. I did change ONE thing - i put that conditional on its own line. But then I got slide 4 to tell me it’s correct, paged to slide 38 and entered the password, and I have a green checkmark for slide 4.
Isn’t that the problem?