Controlling table headers

Is there a way to programmatically control the header content of tables?

No, there isn’t. What’s making you want to change the headers? (Specific use cases are always helpful for us.)

Fun fact - you can set the headers of tables by using index 0 for the row. So if you wanted to set the header of the first column you could do something like cellContent(0,1):. This feature was mostly accidental so it is maybe not well tested compared to other cl features. Let us know if you run into any issues!


Is it possible to hide/eliminate table headers in CL?


The checkboxes in the menu are the only way to outright remove/hide them.

Thanks for your quick response.

I don’t understand it yet. Is there some cl code I can put in a checkbox component that controls the headers in a table component? I suspect I’m way off.

No. I mean CL won’t do it. The three dots menu of the table allows you to select and deselect headers.

Got it. Thanks. Again, I appreciate your swift response.