The matchesKey source exists on card sorts and ordered lists.
I would like to be able to have such a source on multiple choice, because at the moment I have to duplicate the answer key in computation layer if I want to access whether a given question was answered correctly (which is error prone and tedious.)
(Actually, I would prefer something even more powerful, which is the ability to access the correctness state of any component and/or any screen. But I will settle for the matchesKey on multiple choice, if only for consistency.)
Now that almost two years have elapsed I am wondering if I am the only person who would like this feature?
I have some checkbox components where two out of six are correct.
Is the only way to do this still with code like the below?
is_correct = this.isSelected(1) and not(this.isSelected(2))
and this.isSelected(3) and this.isSelected(4)
and this.isSelected(5) and not(this.isSelected(6))```
It seems fairly brittle (in the sense that if I reorder the options then I need to change the code) as well as tedious.