In my math class one of the questions on an assignment says to "Solve using the quadratic equation and round answer to the hundredths. when I put the equation into desmos plugging in the correct numbers into the respective slots I get undefined instead of an answer. The top line is the equation with the numbers plugged in the middle is the problem and the bottom is the equation we are supposed to be using to find x.
b² is (-12)² which is 144, not -144.
Your entire square root is negative, which is undefined as far as this is concerned. Get rid of that negative and you’ll be correct.
Negative square roots such as sqrt(-x) is the positive square root of x times i
Your solution was supposed to be about 1.2± .3464i. All values are rounded to the nearest thousandth place.
You are wrong say that that’s undefined. It’s just that this calculator can’t do quantum physics or electrical engineering. What I mean is that this calculator is mainly and intentionally designed to be in the real number world and only that because this calculator was meant for everyday uses, and it wasn’t intended for electrical engineering nor quantum physics.
I said “undefined as far as this is concerned”, which is pretty much the same as what you’ve said. Please read statements properly before telling people that they are wrong.
Also I’m not sure why you have resurrected a year-old thread to post this.