Hi , am doing a set of questions which self mark , give a correct or incorrect response to the student and then total up and provide a summary.
So far so good.
My code for a slid which has a single answer is:
Note code:(note1)
content: “{message} {feedback}”
message = “What is the 9th multiple of 15?”
feedback = when ans1.submitted and ans1.numericValue=135 “\n\n\n✅Good work ! !”
when ans1.submitted “\n\n\n❌Wrong answer. Please try again.”
otherwise “”
Maths Answer Box code: - (ans1)
disableEvaluation: true
check1 = when this.numericValue=135 1 otherwise 0
correct: check1=1
However I am trying to do the same sort of thing for a slide that will have multiple answer , in this case list the factors of 49 in ascending order.
I am using a table instead for the student to input the answers and want the feedback to be based on ALL the answers being correct - however I can’t seem to get this to work. I am struggling with getting the feedback code in the note to work and also how to give check2(the variable that I use to total up the marks) a value of 1 when all items in the table are correct.
Here is my code:
What should the equivalent feedback code in order to work?
Here is my code for the table:
cellContent(1,2): when t.cellNumericValue(1,1)=1 “” OTHERWISE “N”
cellContent(2,2): when t.cellNumericValue(2,1)=7 “” OTHERWISE “N”
cellContent(3,2): when t.cellNumericValue(3,1)=49 “” OTHERWISE “N”
isCorrect = t.cellNumericValue(1,1)=1 and t.cellNumericValue(2,1)=7 and t.cellNumericValue(3,1)=49
#check2 = isCorrect 1 otherwise 0
correct: isCorrect