How to code a typical exercise

Hi. I’ve been using Desmos all year. I’m a novice when it comes to the computation layer. I think there may be others out there that want to do something simple like I’m going to describe. It is something I could use for a typical practice exercise.

What I want to do is this:

  1. Ask a question with a Note and a Sketch with a background picture.

  2. Provide a math input answer box. When the answer is correct, give a thumbs up.

If it is incorrect the first time, give the thumbs down and say something like “You have two more attempts before you can view the solution.”

If it is incorrect a second time, “You have one more attempt before you can view the solution.”

If it is incorrect a third time, “You may continue to attempt the correct response, or you may look at the solution.”

  1. At this point, let (what I show in my example as “hint please”, but it should say, “solution”)… let the “solution” button appear, and allow the student to see a sketch identical to the first, except with the solution written on it.

I figure this can’t be that difficult to do. I know what I want to happen, but I’m stuck.

I think this is what you are wanting. Essentially I made a count variable based on the submit button.

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Wow! Thanks. You were so quick about it, too. Thanks.

Here is the link to what I did with what you sent. It was a neat experience to try to figure out the computation layer using what you wrote.

The few changes I added make it so that after you input the correct answer, you can see the solution, and the hints go away. You don’t have to submit 3 times before viewing the solution.

I added a hint. You can view the hint any time after the first time an answer is submitted up until the third time.

I use DESMOS with the Illustrative Mathematics curriculum. I see a need for some additional problems… Quick probe-like questions. I think this will give me some feedback on student understanding. I’m not talking about a block of problems, just a few at a time, perhaps as frequently as each DESMOS lesson.

I still have a couple of questions, though.

  1. Do you see any need or ways to improve this?
  2. Is there a way for me to see how many times the student has submitted an answer before getting it correct?
  3. Am I able to see what the student wrote on the original sketch?
  4. How does one go about learning the computation layer? I’ve started looking through the monthly newsletter that started a couple of years ago… But… there’s got to be an easier way. I’m particularly interested in giving feedback and seeing student correctness in the dashboard.

Thanks for all your help!

  1. I would maybe tweak the HINT feedback CL with this.

    and the HINT button CL with this.

  2. I know there are ways which you could track the number of times the answers are given until they are correct, but not sure how to approach so that you can see it and the students cannot.

  3. As long as the student doesn’t press the red X on the sketch you would be able to see it.

  4. CL does have a bit of a learning curve. I started really focusing on it in January this year and it took about 3-4 months. This forum is a good place to find answers. Just search for what you are trying to do or what error you might be getting. Check out the webinars on CL here Webinars — Learn Desmos. Also YouTube check out Ryan de la Garza, Nora Oswald, Duane Habecker, and of course the desmos channel itself especially anything with Jay Chow. For spectacular animation check out Suzanne von Oy as well on the desmos channel. Also looking at other people’s activities can be really helpful, if it isn’t overly complex. I tried to figure one out early on that was an awesome activity, but it was way beyond me at the start.

Best of luck

I’ve placed limits on submitting answers and used the pressCount to dynamically change the button label (and disabling it after a certain number of presses), so students know how many chances they had left (which you can also see in the individual’s slide). I have also allowed them to change answers after they reached their limit, they just wouldn’t be able to check their answer anymore.

If you didn’t want students to know how many times they tried, you could use a warning in the screen CL (next to the Teacher Tips on the left) which would display as :warning: instead of a check, x or dot on the dashboard, but should show a message when you mouse over.