Linear Functions and Inequalities Infinite Practice With Streak Counter

Here are two repeatable challenge activities I’ve created to help students master writing and graphing inequalities. They are designed for grade 6 or 7 students. The functions are only linear. Each slide is briefly described in the activity notes. Each activity also tracks students’ correct completions as well as a streak counter. The problems are randomly generated to provide infinite practice.

Key skills include:

  • Writing a function when given a graph
  • Graphing a function when given the function
  • Write or graph a function when given a table
  • Solve one-step or two-step equations and inequalities so as to graph them
  • Interpreting verbal expressions and writing them as inequalities.

Additionally, each activity displays on the teacher dashboard a warning with the current streak or the number of correct completions by the student.

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Wow, these look great! Thanks for sharing!

Is there a reason you chose to use polar to graph the line? And the two hidden graphs? (I’m looking at the Functions Challenge.)

(I’ll preface this with I’ve only just learned how to use the CL this year so often times I’m learning CL along the way through wanting to design a specific type of activity for my students.)

So I’m not entirely sure if this is what you mean with the polar question but my goal was for students to be able to flip between a function, the graph, and the table when given one of the three options. With having the students graph, the only way I could make it manipulative for the students and self-check was by having them manipulate two points on the line.

As for the hidden graphs, I frankenstein-ed a streak counter from someone else’s project to use in my project. I’m still very limited in my understanding of how to utilize lists so to track both the current streak and total completed, I just created two separate graphs with the same set of code.

This is definitely one of those projects I’ll be redoing now that I know what I want it to look like and become more adept in my CL skills.

Got it. You could have defined m and used y-y_1=m(x-x1), but you also need x=x1{x_1=x_2}. I think yours is actually a little cleaner, my mind just didn’t go there first.

You can have them in the same graph (even in the display graph), you just need unique names for your lists and variables for each set, so adding a subscript to the second set (and changing your CL accordingly) would work as well.