Looking for a Collaborator for CL Coding

I sent a Tweet out about this on Monday, but wanted to post here in case someone wants to help collaborate on this activity. I need some CL coding help. Here’s a quick short blog post explaining my intent and rationale:

Here’s the (non-functional) activity in AB. I’ve made CL notes in the Teacher Tips for the slides and also in the components. Maybe you can help me make this amazing?


Looking for something fun to do this week… Still interested?

Hey Jay!

YES!! I’d love some help! Here’s the latest version. Nic Tassone (@nic_ntassone) did some work on the animations on slide 6…and then I tried to make some changes to make it work better…and messed it all up. (It’s a mess in there…)

I’m terrible at syntax…but have a good idea on what and how to make this happen. I’m happy to hop on a phone or zoom call.

Here’s Nic’s version that has the animations working a bit better, but it’s still not quite right:

My version contains some positive changes to Nic’s work and is what I consider the most up to date. The big coding problem at the moment is helping students see how to discussion/argument can improve accuracy by making their old estimates in a list move to their new estimates.

The easier solution here would just be showing the old estimates at (L, 3) and the new estimates at (M, 0) so that they can compare the two lists of estimates. (This would show the old estimates 3 units above the new ones.)

I’m open to ideas.

Here’s a short post that explains my intent: http://undercovercalculus.com/love-statistics/

Apologies for the long reply. Thanks for anything you’re willing to help me do! My hope is that once we get this refined, I can use it as a template to churn out dozens more of these.



On screen 4 you can pull in j from the graph using


As for the animation I have a few options here:

Screen 3 works for any values but does not map each student’s first answer necessarily to their second (the beginning and end results are still the same). The second does that but only works for integral values between 1 and 10,000 (upper limit can be edited).
Hope this helps!

I’m interested. Is there a way to know where to find the most current build? More generally, do you have ideas about how to manage an activity developed by a group? GitHub?

Jay: WOW! That’s really elegantly simple. Let me play with this and incorporate it into the current version. Question: Let’s say 20 kids all enter a first estimate, then one kid gets called to the office and only 19 kids enter a second estimate? Will Desmos freak out if the lists are different lengths?

Jeff: I don’t quite have a system to keep it all organized other than through Twitter and this message board. I’m going to work on activity that is linked to above. I think the activity is short enough to be manageable at the moment. I’ve been using the Teacher Tips as a space to talk about coding needs.

Open to ways to make this better. I’m sure Desmos is thinking of ways too.

Ugh. I’m terrible at this.

Here’s my most recent version: Estimation Station 1 (v2) • Activity Builder by Desmos

It doesn’t work.

A few things:

  1. At some point, I had it so the graph would automatically zoom to be about 20% more than the maximum of L (student estimates). Somehow, I’ve messed it up. What am I doing wrong? First example is slide 2, but occurs throughout.

  2. I still don’t get how best to get the class estimate (slide 4) to show. Help me understand? I appreciate the help Jay…I guess I need more explicit direction.

  3. I tried to embed and modify Jay’s stuff into this activity, but the slide doesn’t animate at all. I’m also trying to get the “journey” to take 3 seconds so Ss can see more. I understand that since list L (estimation 1) and list M (estimation 2) won’t be in the same order, the points don’t move from “a” to “b” for all students. I’m hoping that on the student screen, we can make their point move accurately in a different color from the class points. This will enable a teacher to see individual student changes in the dashboard and be able to see students who have made large revisions.

Any help you can offer would be great.
Next coffee or cocktail is on me!

Added another slide to the activity. I duplicated slide 6 and tried to use Nic’s approach to the animation problem. I’m still doing something wrong. The points won’t animate.

You can use class code: 7VSTPF

Desmos won’t freak out if the lists are a different length but it may freak out if a student enter non numeric values. You might want to build in a check of that and use aggregation on captured values to make sure

If you send me a teacher link I can take a look when I get home. Is it the same as the one at the top of the topic?

Here’s the most current:

It was two animation slides…one showing your approach, and one showing Nic’s.