Nice! I’ve been waiting for this for an activity where I want students to either fill out a column in a table manually, one cell at a time, or all at once by entering an equation into a math input field.
Here’s the CL script, in case anyone wants to do something similar:
time = input9.timeSinceSubmit
cellContent(3,2): when time > 0 "${graph5.number("y_3")}" otherwise ""
cellContent(4,2): when time > 0.25 "${graph5.number("y_4")}" otherwise ""
cellContent(5,2): when time > 0.5 "${graph5.number("y_5")}" otherwise ""
cellContent(6,2): when time > 0.75 "${graph5.number("y_6")}" otherwise ""
cellContent(7,2): when time > 1 "${graph5.number("y_7")}" otherwise ""
cellContent(8,2): when time > 1.25 "${graph5.number("y_8")}" otherwise ""
cellContent(9,2): when time > 1.5 "${graph5.number("y_9")}" otherwise ""
cellContent(10,2): when time > 1.75 "${graph5.number("y_{10}")}" otherwise ""
cellEditable(3,2): time = 0
cellEditable(4,2): time = 0
cellEditable(5,2): time = 0
cellEditable(6,2): time = 0
cellEditable(7,2): time = 0
cellEditable(8,2): time = 0
cellEditable(9,2): time = 0
cellEditable(10,2): time = 0