Patty Paper with Sketches/Graphs

I know we can copy a graph from previous slide and use as background in a sketch.
I assume we can use a sketch as background in a graph? Can you pull the top sketch without pulling the graph also?

What I’m imagining:
Slide 1: A sketch where the background that’s a graph.
Students are asked to trace the axes and the function or the shape.
Slide 2: A sketch that includes the background of the graph.
And ask students a question about the patty paper: do you want to move the patty paper left, right, up, down? how much? (maybe they fill this into a table?)
Based upon answer, the patty paper sketch shifts. BUT the graph remains the same.

Don’t know if this would be possible, but just a random thought :slight_smile:

For slide 2, would they actually be sketching anything? You could just use a graph component with a square built around a moveable point for the patty paper.

I’m sure someone else has insight regarding slide 1.

Whatever they sketch on Slide 1 would need to appear on Slide 2, but be moveable somehow AND the static graph would still need to appear behind it.
IRL, we give them a graph of function or geometric shape. They use patty paper to trace the item. Then we apply translations, rotations, reflections by moving the patty paper. Then the transformation is seen on the patty paper.

Gotcha. I don’t think you’re able to move a sketch layer around. I know there are ways to produce transformations on sketches. Perhaps they could be activated on slide 1 from something done on slide 2? Just spitballing.

So slide 2 could make sketch 1 (whatever they drew) shift?

I’ve only seen where the original and the transformation were simulataneously displayed. Not sure if they exist as different sketch layers and can be accessed separately.

This is the thread I’m referring to, and now looking at it now, I think you could make the sketch in slide 2 refer to the sketch in slide 1, so you’ll only see the transformation.

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Thanks I’ll give it a try!

@ASmith I loved the idea and tried to run with it. Something like this?

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Yes! That’s what I was imagining! Now to find out what other types of transformations you can do to the sketch!
Works great! Thank you for putting together!

You should be able to do almost any. I made functions for rotations and reflections that you could probably repurpose here:

Rotating a Point around a Center
Reflection (using line function instead of points)