Transformations: Sliding Horizontally and Verticaly

I took Jay’s activity “Transform Shape” to model it with our teachers to use with their students. They loved the activity! They wanted to know if a couple of items could be added on slide 1.

  1. For translations to slide horizontally and vertically separately.
  2. Either label the vertices on the preimage or color code to where each vertex is a different color.

Thank you Jay!!!

I changed the start and duration for the x and y so the y starts changing when the x ends.

The first 2.5 was originally 5 and the second was originally 0.

Exactly what I needed! Thank you!

Now if anyone has a way to change the vertices of the preimage to show labels or change colors.

Thank you again!

You’d need specific points to change colors and labels. Something like this:


The brackets reference the position in the list. You could deselect the purple next to Y_1 if you don’t want those to display.

Also, I recently posted this, since you’re missing rotations in that presentation.

I’ll be sure to add that as well. Thank you!

Could you post your final version. Would be interested to see what you’ve come up with.

Here is my final version…for now. You don’t get to the translation rule until slide 15. Beginning on slide 2, I copied the graphs so I could disable the transformation movement on the initial slide. Students enter the rule and move the points accordingly. The transformation takes place on the following slide. I only applied the horizontal and vertical movement to the translation slide because I didn’t like the effect it had on the other transformations. Hope this makes sense.