How do I create a note that has multiple paragraphs which has a vertical scroll bar instead of scrolling the entire slide?
This is not a feature that is available in Activity Builder. Tables that get too large or entering an input that doesn’t fit a cell or input will automatically add scroll bars, but notes will not.
If you have a lot of information to present that needs to be on the same screen, you could possibly use checkboxes or multiple choice combined with multiple notes that hide or display based on selections, but the choice components would be taking up more screen real estate as well.
Thank you for clearing this up for me. I was creating a mock ACT reading passage and thought it might be useful to have scroll bars. I could use an action button per question to have it reference a certain part of the passage pertaining to the question (Ex. The underlined portion “23” in the passage (then have the action button take the passage to the “23” portion)). I wonder if that’s possible. Anyways, thanks again.
Here is a sample of something that’s possible. It requires a lot of prep. I’d probably define each note’s hidden condition as variables in one place (e.g. the button), so that you don’t have to pop in and out of each component’s CL to edit their conditions.
Honestly I’d personally just make separate screens for each question with the relevant part of the passage, but I get how you may want to other parts of the passage available to read.
Thank you for your help. I’ll give this a go.