Asynchronous pacing to force teamwork (manually..for now))

Hello, a couple questions about asynchronous pacing, specifically to force teamwork among groups of students. I was hoping to force students to work together and help each other by preventing anyone in a group from moving ahead until each student in that group reaches a checkpoint. In the linked activity, I do this in a very manual way: when students reach a checkpoint, they need a code from me to continue (and I can make sure each team member has reached the same spot). If they haven’t entered the code, every slide after that has cover text without an “ok” button. The checkpoint screen (#6) has a hidden note that explains the manual process.

Activity with checkpoint

First for the team question: Is there a way to group certain students together within a desmos activity and automate this? (would be great to see a Desmos technology answer for this, but perhaps there is another, more efficient workaround)

Second, more specific CL question: is there a way to access the screen number in the CL? For each screen, in the overall screen CL I pull a number from a table (“zcheck”) and compare it to a number in a uniquely named table in the checkpoint screen (“checkpoint1”). All these numbers are simply the screen numbers, but since I don’t have a way to access those directly in the CL, I have to manually type them into a table on each and every screen (and again if I add or delete a screen). Is there a method for this I’m missing? (would be nice to have this functionality for scoresheets also; I think I’ve seen this discussed before…hoping the answer has changed)