Change graph label from degrees to radians in terms of pi

I’m trying to adapt Luke Walsh’s wonderful activity on practicing trig facts to be in radians instead of degrees (original here)

I’ve made some tweaks to change it to radians, but I’m not sure how to make the labels in terms of pi (a latex component?) and still check for correctness (a numerical component?).

My attempt: [Copy of] TrigFacts Practice: sine & cosine values with radians • Activity Builder by Desmos

How can I make the angle label with a_current appear in terms of pi in the graph and in the note?

I think this will work. I used a hidden table for putting the question and the point labels in terms of pi.
edited activity TrigFacts Practice: sine & cosine values with radians using a hidden table of latex

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Thank you! I was trying to find a way to reference the list in the graph, but using a separate table is smart solution.

PS I’m very excited to try your painting roads activity with students soon! :slight_smile:

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