Changing Initial Text based off of MC

Hi all, I need help with slide 2. How do I code the initial text so that if a student clicks submit after their explanation and wants to change their answer, the initial text resets so that it aligns with that particular initial text?

For example, if I click Symmetric, type in my explanation and submit it, but then I realized that it’s Skewed to the Left, how do I change the initial text so that it actually says "I know the data is Skewed to the Left because… "

I feel like I have to do something with reset but don’t know how to do it.

The initial latex is exactly what it says…initial. It’s not dynamic, meaning that if something is changed, it will not update. If you want the prompt to change based on your description, maybe you could set that prompt in a separate note and input component that appears after the student makes a selection.

In the note component CL:

hidden: not(MC.isSelected(1) or MC.isSelected(2) or MC.isSelected(3))

choice = 
  when MC.isSelected(1) "${MC.choiceContent(1)}"
  when MC.isSelected(2) "${MC.choiceContent(2)}"
  when MC.isSelected(3) "${MC.choiceContent(3)}"
  otherwise ""

Then type this text in the actual note: I know the data is ${choice} because...

Then for the text input, we just want to conditionally hide it.

hidden: not(MC.isSelected(1) or MC.isSelected(2) or MC.isSelected(3))
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