CheckMark for correct ordered pair input

I am trying to figure out how to see a Check Mark on the dashboard if students put correct ordered pair. I used the codes below so the students get feedback on their slide - but I want to know they got it correct by looking at the summary on the dashboard (and didn’t just type something in and click on).
What do I need to do???

mypair = parseOrderedPair(exp2.latex)
my_x = numericValue(mypair.x)
my_y = numericValue(mypair.y)

when exp2.submitted and my_x = 2 and my_y = 3 “Great job !”
when exp2.submitted “Not quite ! Please try again”
otherwise "Write the ordered pair (x,y) below "

You need to set the correct sink in the math input.

mypair = parseOrderedPair(this.latex)
my_x = numericValue(mypair.x)
my_y = numericValue(mypair.y)
check=my_x=2 and my_y=3
correct: check

Note that I made the variable check. You could now use this in your note instead of making the variables for mypair there.

when exp2.submitted and exp2.script.check "Great job!"

Also, if you have a sketch or graph component, you’ll want readOnly: true in that CL.

Thank you so very much!!

I am trying to get the checkmark on the teacher dashboard without students getting feedback for an ordered pair. Exit ticket. Anyone know how to adjust the CL listed above for that?

The first part in Daniel’s code is all you need. Since you are only looking for the dashboard check, you can move one line of code to the next. Try this in the input component for an ordered pair of (2,3).

mypair = parseOrderedPair(this.latex)
my_x = numericValue(mypair.x)
my_y = numericValue(mypair.y)
correct: my_x=2 and my_y=3
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