Cumulative frequency graph

I found an activity that uses this slide for students to read values from a cumulative frequency graph. It is coded to randomize the graph and then draw a vertical line to find the frequency. I would really like to adapt it for something I’m working on.

The trouble, as I see it, is that it it too sensitive. For instance, when estimating a value of 16, it might be looking for something as precise as 15.8. Also, the randomizing seems to toggle when a student checks their work.

Could someone please help with this? Thank you.

Cumulative Frequency Graph

Did you figure it out? I’m not really seeing the issues you’re mentioning unless you mean the value displayed for the y-coordinate.

As a discovery tool, it seems fine, but you can basically get the “Answer” by just entering the given height and checking the answer. You might consider displaying the student’s answer to recognize if it’s not on the given line (I think “Classy Cats” or “Robots” did something like this).

Hi Daniel. Thanks for getting back to me.

I’m not worried about entering the x-value. That’s the easy part. I was talking about the y-value. I know there’s a way to have the graph be less sensitive, with “floor” and “ceiling”, I’m just not sure how to do that. Do you have any thoughts on that?

Also, I will check out Classy Cats and Robots. Thanks for that suggestion.

There’s also round. It seems like it’s checking the rounded value okay to me. I’m consistently getting a checkmark only entering integers.

Okay, yeah, it is working perfectly. I’ve had covid this week, and I think maybe my brain isn’t working. Sorry to waste your time, but really appreciate it.

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I realized the issue I’m seeing. I’m not crazy.

If you press enter, instead of one of the submit buttons, the entire graph randomizes again. Is there a way to stop that from happening?

I’m seeing different buttons now, so can’t speak to how it was before. Pressing enter in a table is equivalent to clicking a button. Which it was activating I’m not sure. I’m guessing the latter button, so it was setting a new example.