Feedback on Modeling Activity

Hi all! I am new to Activity Builder and I am totally hooked. I created a Desmos version of a Math Task I love doing in the classroom called “Turbo Texter.” I made two different versions and am looking for some feedback to see if I missed anything.

Version #1: Turbo Texter Task - Version #1 • Activity Builder by Desmos
Version #2: Turbo Texter Task - Version #2 • Activity Builder by Desmos

I also need some help. In Version #2, I have students build two models. The first model was made by using the sliders on the graph (slide 6). The second, they found on their calculator and entered in as an equation (slide 8). I would like to be able to show a graph of the TWO different models students have built, for comparison, on slide 10. Any thoughts on how I go about coding this?

Hey Rachael,

After a quick look at your activity, I wondered how we can utilize some Computation Layer to have Desmos do a time-test for you… (see first slide here) [Copy of] Turbo Texter Task - Version #1 • Activity Builder by Desmos
As you can tell, I got stuck. Once the cursor focus is on the table cell to type, it seems like the timer restarts :frowning: I also worry about students copying and pasting

Regarding the questions you asked, I think you should be able to pull slope and y-intercept from your first graph, and using xyLine, pull the slope/y-intercept from the equation students enter … See [Copy of] Turbo Texter Task - Version #2 • Activity Builder by Desmos

Hope this helps!


Love what you did here!

Here’s a hack that might solve the timeSincePress resetting issue:

WARNING!!! It breaks if a student takes more that 80 seconds to type in any given line.

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Awesome, thanks so much for the help! Richard, thanks for coding that final slide for me. It looks like it is working just fine in the “preview.” What is strange, though, is when I click on the actual graph in editor mode, I get an orange “!” message for the functions f(x) and g(x) saying “Too many variables. Try defining m or b.”

Jay, thanks for your contribution as well! I wonder if there is a way to enable them to test multiple messages? Starting and stopping the timer each time?

Interestingly enough, I think most kids are faster at texting on their phones than they are at typing on a keyboard!

There is totally a way to test multiple messages! Richard actually built a pretty solid base into his activity already that you can add to using a combination of pressCount, cellEditable, maxRows, and repeating the action from the first row.

Hi - Love this idea, but Jay’s version seems to have been deleted. Did you get a final version that you would share?

Thanks Richard.

Absolutely! I ended up with 3 different versions, each a bit more involved than the last.

Version #1: Turbo Texter Task - Version #1 • Activity Builder by Desmos
Version #2: Turbo Texter Task - Version #2 • Activity Builder by Desmos
Version #3: Turbo Texter Task - Version #3 • Activity Builder by Desmos

This looks great! I love that you’re following the modeling cycle. Kudos for the not texting and driving bit too.

And not to be a creeper, but we’re in the same area (MoCo). If you’d ever want to get together and share ideas, I’d be happy to do that!