Is there a way to get the title of a screen from another screen in code?
If you mean can you use the title of one screen as a source for another, I don’t think there is a way to do that. But if you mean can you make the title of a screen depend on code elsewhere in the activity, yes you can do that.
In the screen component CL (click on the <> next to the Teacher Tips button under the Screen 1 thumbnail), there is a title sink. So if you had a component called input on another screen, you could do title: input.latex
for example.
If this doesn’t give you what you need, say a bit more about what you are trying to do, and there may be some workaround we can come up with.
It was the first one. I wanted to use the screen title in a cell of a table to allow students to see which slides they got right and which ones they need to work on some more.
I think that you can solve the problem by using a variable in your slide to set the title:
slideTitle = "My Title"
in the code for the slide you set:
title: slide1.slideTitle
and then you can access the variables from the last slide to get the titles of the specific slides:
cellContent(1,1): slide1.script.slideTitle