hi! I need help coding this graph help coding please • Activity Builder by Desmos Classroom
so that the following points are displayed as correct…
I tried redefining the domain and range for each point but it did not work.
I would prefer it to be on the graph on slide 1 but if i could even get it on just the second slide; that would be great too! thank you!
I did some work on screen 1. I’m not 100% sure what you were hoping would happen, so let me know if you are looking for something different…
In re-reading your post, I wasn’t sure if you were referring to screen 2 (where you defined the domain and range for the draggable points). You had a couple of the colors with corresponding domain and ranges mixed up, which was creating the issue with that screen. I think those are now showing images when the points are placed inside the containers.
Again, please specify if there is something different you’d like to see happen on either screen.