I’m designing an activity that asks students to boxplot a single-variable data set in a full-screen calculator on slide 1, and then on slide 2, asks them to calculate the mean, median, and mode.
I’d like to automate checking their work, so I’d like to pull the data set from the calculator to use on slide 2. Is there a source that would let me do this? It looks like maybe I want numberList?
I’m also open to other ways to do this; if there is a way to take the data set in an independent input and then call that data set in a full-screen calculator slide.
Thanks - got that working. Is there a way to display the numberList in the Graphing Calculator slide? So that when they arrive at that slide it shows the first entry as A=[1,2,3] visibly instead of having it “hidden” in the background code?
Here’s a link to the activity as published. It’s very bare-bones at the moment as I’m trying to see if I can get the links to work throughout it - it’s really more of a proof-of concept than a fully developed activity.
Essentially, I have them enter a table on the first slide.
The second slide has a blank graphing calculator widget on it, and at present, you can graph boxplot(A) to use the data from the first slide without a problem.
What I’d like is for row 1 in the graphing calculator (slide 2) to show A=[the data from slide 1], just to make it clear to the students that boxplot(A) is pulling that data.
I don’t want them to enter manually in slide 2 because on slide 3 I want to be able to calculate the mean, median, and mode of the data set they entered using CL so that I can check the student answers and mark them correct or not.
I’m open to suggestions if there’s a better way to do this. Maybe if I can use numberList to pull the variables straight from the graphing calculator rather than entering them on another slide?
Even if you pre-define a list in the graph that gets overwritten by CL, it will not show in an expression line. You can use the list name for a table header and it will fill the column with the list elements though.