MC affects graph

On screen 8 of this activity, I am trying to have y-x^2-5 show up with restricted domains. I can make different functions show up based on answer selected, but I cannot figure out how to restrict the domain. Square Root Inverses 2025 • Activity Builder by Desmos Classroom

Here’s what I came up with. [Copy of] Square Root Inverses 2025 • Activity Builder by Desmos Classroom

I used d_{min} and d_{max} for the minimum and maximum for the domain. If the min or max was infinity, I just put -1000 or 1000 because that would appear to be infinity on your graph (I don’t think it will let me set a number to infinity). And for before any choice was selected, I made the min and max both 0 so it wouldn’t appear at all until the student selected a choice. I hope this helps!

Unfortunately, restrictions don’t play well in CL functions. Here’s a sneaky way to add restrictions, but they need to be defined in the graph. I used a list of restrictions and the choice selection as an index of that list.

Thank you both, they are amazing!