New labels on top of screens (teacher view)!?

I noticed this label above screens on the teacher-edit view on a lesson today- can’t figure out how to edit it. Has anyone else seen this? or use it to label screens?

Here’s the original lesson I found it on:

Thats a feature that should only be in use for Team Desmos activities in our curriculum. Looks like one screen may have escaped somehow, hence the label only for the warm-up screen.

Unfortunately non admin users can neither add, edit, or remove them. @Jeff_Holcomb if you want me to take it off for consistency across the activity, add me as a collaborator and I can get rid of it.

Thanks for the heads up!

This is a really neat feature, I’m constantly copying and editing lessons that have them and so it is really messing with my final products. All users should be allowed to edit them in every desmos.