Once More Into the Breach

First - thank you for all the help on this already. It’s almost done and I’m pretty happy with where it’s at. But I still have a few problems that I haven’t been able to figure out.

First, on slide #22 I am asking the students to enter values into a table. The numbers in rows 1 and 2 are compared to values for the particular set of data. But the third row - the k - is compared to the value that is coming from Graph8 (slide 20). When the correct answer is entered, it still shows it as incorrect.

Second, there is a similar issue on slide #23. Here, though, the third line of the table is supposed to compare the entry to the same value as above times a given constant. I’ve entered it using a simplefunction, but it’s not giving a correct response.

Third, on slide 25, I have a table where I want the final column to be the result of calculations with the numbers in columns 2 and 3. Those numbers are pulled correctly from previous tables, but no calculations show up.

The last question is a more complicated one. On slide #24 I want the students to input the logistic function they find by hand and have it graph on the graph at the right (that also shows the data and the regression model - both of which are working correctly). I looked at other examples of how people graphed student input and thought I had it set up correctly, but when I enter the function, nothing is graphed.

Thanks in advance for all your help!

Logistic DE

Only Screen 22, you’re missing the \ before “round” in your definition of m2.
Screen 23, you’re also using quotation marks a lot. Generally any latex should use backticks (next to the 1 key), which can cause issues trying to match strings.
Screen 25, you’ve got “\round” in quotes, but not contained in sort of evaluation. I’d include it in your function, f.


Added the \ on the round, and changed some of the quotation marks to backticks. And fixed the \round on slide 25.
As I was doing this, found some errors in naming (specifically in the Button names) and fixed those.

Slide 23 and 25 are working fine.

Still having trouble with slide 22. The value for m from the graph is pulling correctly on slide 21 and slide 23. I’m not sure why the check on slide 22 is still showing incorrect when the correct value is entered (0.044).

Still looking for a way to graph the function entered by the students on slide 24.


Updated File

Got everything figured out.

Thanks for the help!

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