Restricting domain from math input

I’m trying to create a screen where students enter a domain and the graph changes to show only the domain they entered.
I saw an answer to a similar question here and tried to do the same thing, but it doesn’t work for me. Can anyone tell me what I’m missing and how to get it right?

here is my problematic screen:

thanks in advance,

It took me a while to find what the problem was, but there is an extra backslash before the word “right.” It used to be that two was necessary, but there was a change and now you only need one (although it looks like one or two will work, but not three).

number("I"): when isDefined(simpleFunction("\left\{${mi1.latex}:\frac{1}{4}x^{3}\right\}")) 1 otherwise 0

I was copying the code and replacing functions and didn’t notice I had too many backlashs. I’m barely understanding what I’m doing so I was sure I didn’t get something fundamental… Now I know, and I’m kind of proud I got the rest right. Its working perfectly now.

I spoke too soon.
I added a screen where the students need to find the domain where the function is positive (above the x-axis). There are two parts and for some reason it started working funny.
Also- I didn’t know if it was sensitive to order and spaces, so I added a few combinations they could write, it might have messed things up.
here’s the link: