Forgive me for being stupid, but I’m looking for a way to allow the student to input a numerical value, say between 5 and 10, in an input box, ie no slider.
The input should be constrained, ie between 5 and 10 only, in this example.
Or, if I have to use a slider, how do I stop the slider min and max from changing if the student explicitly enters a number outside the range?
The activity below demonstrations some possible solutions.
Screen 1 uses a graph component formatted to look like a slider that students can adjust to select only integers between 5 and 10, inclusive.
Screen 2 uses a math response component with an ‘errorMessage.’ This only allows students to submit their response if it fits the criteria defined.
Screen 3 uses feedback to let the student know if their response is acceptable or not. The coverText on screen 4 won’t allow students to interact with the content on that screen without fixing the issue on screen 3.
Those are some ideas I can think of at the moment. I am sure there are other (perhaps better) ways to accomplish what you want that will be offered by more experienced users if you give it some time.
Scott thanks for the ideas. The closest to what I want is your page 1, but where the slider is replaced by a simple number box. I attach what I have at the moment. As I say, all I wish to do is replace some of the sliders with a simple numeric input field.
There are no input boxes within the graphing calculator, so you wouldn’t be able to achieve what you’re saying with a full-screen graph. @CL_Noob’s suggestions of using an input on screen 2 is the closest you’ll get, although I’d probably use a table component for all your variables in a similar way, but errorMessages for each cell. Then reference those to control the graph:
t = yourTableNameHere
number(`f`): t.cellNumericValue(1,2)
number(`f_{d}`): t.cellNumericValue(2,2)
number(`N`): t.cellNumericValue(3,2)
... etc.