Check Mark on Teacher Dashboard w/ multiple math inputs

All on one slide I have three notes and three math inputs

this is the CL for the note above my math input expG

content: “{message} {feedback}”
message =
"Identify the slope.
feedback = when expG.submitted and expG.numericValue=1 “\n\n\n✅Good work ! !”
when expG.submitted “\n\n\n❌Wrong answer. Please try again.”
otherwise “”

this is the CL for the note above my math input expE

content: “{message} {feedback}”
message =
"Identify the slope.
feedback = when expE.submitted and expE.numericValue=0.5 "\n\n\n✅Good work ! !
when expE.submitted “\n\n\n❌Wrong answer. Please try again.”
otherwise “”

this is the CL for the note above my math input expS

content: “{message} {feedback}”
message =
"Identify the slope.
feedback = when expS.submitted and expS.numericValue=2 “\n\n\n✅Good work ! !”
when expS.submitted “\n\n\n❌Wrong answer. Please try again.”
otherwise “”

#so in total i have 3 math inputs with self check notes above them, but I put this CL in the last input
#this is the CL for expS
correct: expG.numericValue=1 and expE.numericValue=0.5 and expS.numericValue=2

And if a students answers all three inputs correct I do not get a gray check mark.
I only get a dot, which mean student interacted but not necessarily correct.
I want a grey check mark only if all three are correct. How do I fix

Just put an individual correct sink for each math input. If you want them all in ONE correct sink, you also need to add readOnly:true to the other inputs.

I continued to play with the CL. What I discovered is that I need to
ADD a correct sink for each input individually
INSTEAD of one correct sink with three different conditions using the AND conditional statement.

I successfully created a slide with three distinct math input fields using
Three correct sinks one for each input, and I get the Gray Check Mark.
But if I change the orientation of the field (boxes) it does not work.

So I am having trouble interpreting how the orientation of the boxes change the correct sinks.

Too bad these is no thorough documentation on CL. I have seen the 1 page Computation Layer Documentation, but it is very weak.

In reply to " If you want them all in ONE correct sink, you also need to add readOnly:true to the other inputs."

What does that mean if you want them all in ONE correct sink?

The original way you had it. The dashboard basically looks at ANY component that has a correct sink available, and checks if they’re correct. If they are, you get the checkmark. If a correct sink is not defined (or if you have a text input or explain prompt), the best you can hope for is a dot.

If you don’t want a component graded, you can use readOnly: true which basically tells the dashboard to ignore that component for correctness. Most often people use this for graphs and sketches. I thought you might be able to use it for this situation. (Maybe having this on an input that you’re using in another component’s correct sink negates the correcting.)