Hello- new to DESMOS.
I am currently turning my notes/assignment into a DESMOS assignment. I need six pages in which they solve for a system of equations.
Slides 11-16 I want students to submit an ordered pair. When they get it correct, it shows up as correct on the summary page for myself. When it is incorrect, it tells them and shows up as incorrect on the summary page.
Essentially, I want students to get immediate feedback on whether they answered the questions correctly AND show as completed on my end for easy grading. I have used someone else’s code, which gives student a correct or incorrect message, but it does not mark it as a check mark or x in the summary page. Can someone please help me to recode 11-16 so it marks their answers as correct or incorrect?
In order to get that check mark on the teacher dashboard all graphs, tables, multiple choice, math response components, etc. have to either be indicated as “readonly” or have a correct: sink defined.
Since you already have the code for when you want the screen to be considered correct written into your note component, you can re-use most of that in the math response components.
Take a look at the computational layer of the math response component of screen 11 in the activity below. This is one way you can tell Desmos that this component is correct. Since it is the only ‘graded’ component on that screen, you will see the checkmark on the teacher preview.
I hope this helps. Let us know if you’ve got further questions.
Edit: I just noticed that you have named all of the math response components on screens 11-16 “input.” In order for Desmos to be able to distinguish between those components you’ll want to give them different names. “input11” “input12” “input13” and so forth. All references to those specific components in the notes and math components themselves need to be updated to reflect those updated names. Now you can look at both screens 11 and 12 to see how this could be done. Hopefully that helps you see how you can complete the rest of those screens.
I’d like to make some clarification here. You do not always have to have distinct component names, and can actually be beneficial not to have them.
When there are duplicate component names, Desmos will default to the component referenced on the same screen. If there are duplicate names on the same screen, you’ll get an error. If there are duplicate names, but none are on the same screen where it’s referenced, you’ll get an error.
So, unless you’re referencing components on different screens (e.g. a summary screen or a graph state copied to a following screen), it can actually be much more convenient to have simple “input”, “button” naming, as screen duplication becomes much more simplified. I’d also suggest that if you do have a summary screen, try to have only one component that needs to be uniquely named to limit how much needs to be edited.