How to have students see everyone's line overlaid on a curve

Hi I am very new to creating desmos activities and my goal is to give students a curve and have students drag lines to make them tangent to the curve, and when they do that and submit it, they will see all of the lines.

I can make the lines draggable and which is what I want but I want students to see each others work.If this can be done with an overlay somehow, or have students all work on the same graph. Or maybe I use the sketch tool, how it is done is not important but I just want students to see all of the lines they have created.

Now I might be a little over my head so is there any good youtube resources to help me get started and understanding the coding aspect to this activity builder?

Have a look at aggregate, it might help you do this

Gets a little tricky trying to handle vertical lines, but here’s one way of approaching it. Currently the first screen has both editing and aggregating, but I’d recommend students edit on one screen and look at the aggregated on another, as it may lag a little while it live updates.

Since aggregate can only aggregate single values, you have to create multiple lists to define your lines. I could’ve created four lists, one for each coordinate, but that’s twice as much data compared to using slope and intercept. Doing that I did a little trickery to identify vertical lines.