Multiple Choice Question

Thanks in advance. I appreciate your help.

The box to allow student to explain their answer is disabled. Are explainations not allowed on multiple choice questions. I would like student to explain why they chose the answer they chose, but the checkbox is disabled. Any idea why?

Could you share a link to the activity?

Is the MC question the only student input on the page, or are there other things there too (eg, a Math Input or another MC)? I think it’s only the ‘last’ item that students can be asked to explain. Previously there were workarounds for this but I think they were considered bugs rather than desired behaviours.

Slide 7 There are only multiple choice questions on that slide.

I don’t think you can ask for a student explanation as long as there is an action button (or other component) below the component for which you want to ask for an explanation. For example, if you just moved your bottom-most ‘Submit’ action button to the left hand column of the screen, you can then ask for a student explanation.

I haven’t looked thoroughly at your activity, but you might consider using showSubmitButton on mc3 and defining your checks based upon that form of submit button, as opposed to your action button…? Or you could just have a new free response component appear (asking for their explanation) after they’ve made their MC selections.

This is right! In order for the built in explain prompt text box to be available, you can’t have anything below the multiple choice component. I think @Scott_Walker’s suggestion of making use of the submit button rather than a seperate action button is a great idea!

Thank you everyone for your input. Yes, I decided to get rid of the action button and just have one explain your answer at the end. I really wanted them to explain each answer they gave, but to do that I guess I would need seperate slides, but all the multiple choice questions relate to the same problem so I wanted to keep it all on one slide. I also wanted to mimic the state assessment test as closesly as possible so students would get used to doing that way before they do the state test.

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