Hi, I am trying to code this slide to display a warning message on the dashboard if a student attempts it more than 3 times (arbitrary number!). Although I see the warning triangle in my design preview, when I run a dummy session the dashboard only shows a dot, not a triangle, no matter how many times I submit an answer.
Can anyone help me? Have I misunderstood what the dashboard should be showing?
Hi @NatalieV_MEI - I think the issue is that you only have 1 screen to test against. The dashboard won’t display the triangle when a student is still working on the screen, which is why it’s displaying a dot. I made a copy and added a screen, and after the 4th attempt, when the student is on Screen 2 the teacher dashboard warning triggers as expected.
Hi - thanks so much! I had copied the single screen in to share as an example but wasn’t aware students needed to move off the screen for the warning to show! That is really helpful
Can I just ask how you knew that a student needed to move onto the next screen for the warning to display? I am worried I missed something obvious!
Just something I’ve picked up from the Dashboard over time. When students are actively on a slide, Desmos tends to display a dot rather than display an X or a warning symbol (who are we to know if the student is done working yet or not?). If there is correctness assigned to every component (like a slide of just Multiple Choice), then a student with a correct answer will display a checkmark, but the incorrect answer will be a dot until a student moves on to another screen.